Simple Supper Monday - Volume 21: Easy and Delicious Turkey Breast | Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Mom

July 12, 2009

Simple Supper Monday - Volume 21: Easy and Delicious Turkey Breast

Happy Monday, Friends!

I feel like I've been a bit of a blog slack here on CSHM. It's been a surprising adjustment to have my husband, who is a teacher, home for the summer. We've been struggling between utter laziness and chaotic frenzy. Is there even an in between? Pair that with a very active 11 month old who is falling walking all the time, and it's a wonder we make it 7pm sometimes.

So, I just wanted you to know that...I'm still here...

When life is that crazy, I'm extremely grateful for Simple recipes. And, as I always say, nothing it more Simple than a crock pot recipe.

This recipe comes from Lauren, over at Bloggerific Tales. She also heard my plea for more recipes (my plea still stands, if you have recipes to send!), and emailed me a few of her favorite recipes from the Fix It And Forget It Cookbook (I highly recommend it, or any of it's sister cookbooks). Thank you, Lauren!

I chose to post this recipe first mainly because it intrigued me. It's a Turkey recipe. I like turkey. But I find it a complicated bird to work with in the kitchen. I think I have this mentality because I associate "Turkey" with "Wrestling with a massive raw hunk of poultry and slaving over side dishes cooking on a hot stove in the kitchen for 12 hours on a holiday only to some how end up with dry meat, pasty potatoes and a burnt pie" "Thanksgiving."

Thanksgiving is not so bad, and I have successfully made wonderfully moist and tasty Turkey (I will share my holiday recipes closer to...the holidays). But it took a lot of time, effort and fear of ruining a meal which in turn would ruin my family's entire holiday.

I digress.

This is a recipe that is simple, with few ingredients and a trusty slow cooker. There is potential for a GOOD Turkey meal with minimal effort. I can really see myself working up the courage to try it out in the near future. Until then, bravely take it on yourself - and let me know how it turns out!


Simple Supper Mondays

Easy and Delicious Turkey Breast
(from the Fix It and Forget It Cookbook)
  • 1 turkey breast
  • 1 15-oz can of whole berry cranberry sauce (1.5 cans)
  • 1 envelope of Lipton's Onion Soup Mix(1.5 envelopes)
  • 1/2 cup orange juice (3/4 cup)
  • 1/2 tsp salt (3/4 tsp)
  • 1/2 tsp pepper (3/4 tsp)

Place turkey in slow cooker, combine remaining ingredients and pour over turkey. Cover and cook on low for 6 - 8 hours.


Do you have any Simple Supper recipes? Send them my way, and I will share them with the rest of the community! Until then, have a great week and happy cooking!
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